
** Today March 8 **

International Women’s Rights Day Officialized by the United Nations in 1977.

1791 : Woman is born free and remains equal to man in rights. Olympe de Gouges, Declaration of the Rights of Women and the Citizen


December 17, 2021 : Law to ensure the revaluation of the lowest agricultural pensions (affects 210,000 retirees, 67% of whom are women).

WOMEN REPRESENT 30% of permanent agricultural workers:

🌱62% are farm managers, co-operators or partners

🌱21% are spouses or relatives of the farm manager

🌱17% are salaried employees

AND TOTAL ¼ of farm managers are co-operators or partners 27% in 2016 versus 8% in 1970.

👩🏽 62% of students in long-term higher agricultural education in 2019 are women.

👩🏼 In open-ended contracts, they often have part-time jobs with salaries 5% lower than men.

👩🏿 In retirement, their pensions are 13% lower than their male counterparts.

The recognition of women’s rights is a long conquest throughout history.

Because a more sustainable world will be more inclusive, Atlanterra Sustainable Agriculture is committed to implementing all the necessary means to promote and encourage gender diversity on its farms.

Statistical sources: Agreste & La France Agricole

#mixity #agriculture #women #jobs #inclusion

Photo by Daria Obymaha from Pexels