
On 5 November last year, the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders of Atlanterra Agriculture Durable adopted the status of ‘business with a mission’. The shareholders of Atlanterra Agriculture Durable, its chairman Jean-Louis Mercier and its teams thus anchor the company to sustainability and position environmental and social impacts at the heart of its strategy.

“Our ambition is to be useful to society as a whole, to everyone in it, fairly at the same time, not to some to the detriment of others,” says Jean-Louis Mercier

Atlanterra Agriculture Durable has as its raison d’être: “promoting and taking part in the development of a world that is more inclusive and respectful of the environment.

To give life to its raison d’être, Atlanterra breaks it down into six characteristic commitments that embody its identity, its values and its action in the service of the common good:

  • measure, reduce and sustainably valorise our CO2 emissions;
  • cultivate digital sobriety and minimise the environmental impact of our digital tools; make use of responsible service providers (at least 50%) and improve our product and service procurement processes;
  • organise and coordinate annual actions to inform young people and raise their awareness of sustainable development;
  • marshal and activate all the means and resources necessary to ensure non-discriminatory recruitment;
  • carry out training actions each year with our employees, aimed at promoting inclusion.
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